Centrotrans Dd Sarajevo


There is no description for this carrier yet.

Bus lines

Bus routes and timetable

Ulcinj - Sarajevo *departs every other day at 05:30h, returns at 07:00h.

Zagreb - Sarajevo *departs every day at 12:30h, returns at 22:00h.

Sarajevo - Neum *departs every day at 05:30h, returns at 18:30h.

Sarajevo - Sarajevo *departs every day at 09:00h, returns at 12:40h.

Sarajevo - Zvornik (via Vlasenica) *departs every day at 15:30h, returns at 06:00h.

Sarajevo - Srebrenica (via Karaula (Bih)) *departs every day at 07:10h, returns at 16:30h.

Centrotrans DD Sarajevo Reviews


1 review/s

Alaa Hijazi

this bus was once within 5 minutes announced time and once about 30 minutes late. The route length is as advertised. Herceg Novi to Sarajevo from about 8:45 a.m. to 3:10 pm.