The bus from PODGORICA to KRAGUJEVAC pass through the cities of BERANE, BIJELO POLJE, KOLAŠIN, KRALJEVO, MOJKOVAC, NOVI PAZAR, RAŠKA, ROŽAJE (depending on the route).The first bus leaves at 08:30, while the last departure at 23:00. The road is about 392 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 07 hours and 40 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From PODGORICA to KRAGUJEVAC can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from PODGORICA to KRAGUJEVAC are:Ozlem, Lasta Montenegro, JADRAN LINE, Lens Beograd.


Bus station Podgorica is located near the city center (approximately 900 meters).  With over 300 departures, 100 carriers and over one milion travelers per year bus station Podgorica is the most importante bus terminalin Montenegro. The bus station is close to the railway station. Nearby the station is hotel Terminus and shopping centar ''Mall of Montenegro''. Podgorica bus station has many facilities as cafe, stores, restaurants, post, bank, parking, tourist and rent-a-car agency, WiFi, WC..etc... Staff is kind and ready to answer to all of your questions. You can reach station by public transport: bus 6. With that bus you can go to the city center – hotel Crna Gora and National Theatre.

Contact information

Address: Trg Golootočkih žrtava 1, 81000 Podgorica
Working hours: 00:00 - 24:00 h
Phone: +382 (0)20 633 010, 


  •     Box Offices Opening hours: 00:00-24:00
  •     Phone: +382 (0)20 620 430


  •     working hours: 06:00-22:00
  •     price for luggage for 1h: 1,00€    

You can't exit to stations departure platform if you haven't bought a bus ticket or validated a return ticket or bought a platform ticket at the ticket office.

Public transport

  • Linija 6 - Željeznička stanica - Zlatica




With the city population of 179,417 according to the census in 2011, Kragujevac is the fourth largest town in Serbia and administrative center of the Šumadija District, located about 120 kilometers south of Belgrade. Kragujevac is a significant economic, cultural, educational and health center of Šumadija, Pomoravlje, and the neighboring regions.

By 1990, Kragujevac was the fifth most developed city in Yugoslavia immediately after Slovenian towns. At the beginning of the 1990s, the city became one of the poorest cities in Serbia. Today, Kragujevac is again one of the strongest administrative, cultural, financial, industrial and political centers in Serbia.

Thanks to rail and road transport, Kragujevac is connected with Belgrade, Nis, Kraljevo, Cacak and other cities.

Intercity and urban transport in the town of Kragujevac is currently carried out by two companies: "Lasta" from Belgrade and "Vulović-transport" from Rekovac. There are 24 regular and permanent public transport lines, and one seasonal lines that goes to Lake Sumarice.