The bus from MOJKOVAC to ALEKSINAC pass through the cities of BERANE, KRUŠEVAC, NOVI PAZAR, RAŠKA, RAŽANJ, ROŽAJE, TRSTENIK, VRNJAČKA BANJA (depending on the route). On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 385 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 07 hours and 20 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From MOJKOVAC to ALEKSINAC can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from MOJKOVAC to ALEKSINAC are:Jadran ekspres Kotor.



Aleksinac is a town and municipality located in the southern Serbia. According to 2011 census, the town has a population of 16,420 inhabitants, while the municipality has 51,462.

The territory of the municipality of Aleksinac has been inhabited since the neolithic age. Most of the settlements in the area belong to the Vinča cultural group, and are located on the western side of the South Morava river.

Main industry in Aleksinac is metal industry, but large parts of municipality consists of arable land near the Morava river that is used for grain, maize and peppers. Coal industry was also dominant before fire accident in November 1989. Municipality of Aleksinac is rich in natural resources, especially in black coal, bitumen schist, gravel, sand and limestone.

Lake Bovan, situated 15 km from Aleksinac centre, is a place popular for tourists. The medieval monastery from the 15th century built by Despot Stefan Lazarević, St. Stefan in Lipovac, is 25 km from the city. The monastery is built beneath the slopes of Mt. Ozren (1175 m). There is also remnants of two medieval towns in the mountains surrounding Aleksinac: Bovan and Lipovac, however they are not well preserved.