The bus from ŽABLJAK to NOVI SAD does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 487 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 10 hours and 20 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From ŽABLJAK to NOVI SAD can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from ŽABLJAK to NOVI SAD are:Banbus doo Obrenovac.


Žabljak is a small town, and the seat of Žabljak Municipality, in northern Montenegro. It has a population of 1,723. The town is in the centre of the Durmitor mountain region and with an altitude of 1,456 metres it's the highest situated town on the Balkans.

Žabljak is centre of Montenegro's mountain tourism. The entire area of Durmitor mountain is protected as a national park, and offers great possibilities for both winter and summer mountain tourism.

Žabljak caters for activities such as:

  • Skiing - Durmitor's snow cover lasts 120 days per year, with decent slopes such as Savin kuk, Štuoc and Javorovača.
  • Rafting - the 1300m deep Tara River canyon is the second deepest in the world, and is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Rafting on Tara River is one of the most popular tourist activities in Montenegro.
  • Mountaineering - Durmitor's conditions are appropriate for this sport.
  • Hiking - The surrounding area of the town of Žabljak provides hiking paths.

Among the main tourist attractions of Durmitor are 18 glacier lakes. The biggest and closest to Žabljak being "Crno jezero" - literally Black lake. Durmitor's slopes are also becoming increasingly popular among snowboarders.

Novi Sad

Novi Sad is the second largest city of Serbia, the capital of the autonomous province of Vojvodina and the administrative center of the South Bačka District. It is located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, on the border of the Bačka and Srem geographical regions, on the banks of the Danube river, facing the northern slopes of Fruška Gora mountain.

Novi Sad was founded in 1694, when Serb merchants formed a colony across the Danube from the Petrovaradin fortress, a Habsburg strategic military post. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it became an important trading and manufacturing centre, as well as a centre of Serbian culture of that period.

Today, along with the capital city of Belgrade, Novi Sad is the industrial and financial center of the Serbian economy; also, it was named one of the 2021 European Capital of Culture cities. Since 2000, Novi Sad is home to the EXIT festival, one of the biggest music summer festival in Europe.


Bus station Novi Sad
Address: Bulevar Jaše Tomića 6
Phone number (informations): +381 (0)21 444 022
Phone number (reservations): +381 (0)21 444-896

Public transport

  • Linija 7 - Novo naselje - Liman - železnička stanica - Novo Naselje
  • Linija 10 - Centar - Industrijska zona "Jug" ("Albus")
  • Linija 11A - Železnička stanica - bolnica - Liman - Železnička stanica
  • Linija 14 - Centar - Sajlovo

Taxi services

  • Taxi Vojvođani 

Phone number: 060 33 00 206; 021 522 333; 063 322 333

  • Taxi Maxi Novosađani 

Phone number: 021 400 555; 021 451 111; 063 536 536; 064 16 16 000

  • Pan Taxi 

Phone number: 021 4 55 555; 064 21 55 555; 065 21 55 55

  • Vip Taxi

Phone number: 021 444 000; 066 444 000

  • Grand Taxi 

Phone number: 021 443 100; 021 633 22 22; 063 330 330; 063 445 444

  • Red Taxi 

Phone number: 021 52 51 50; 064 52 51 500; 069 52 51 500

  • Crveni Taxi

Phone number: 021 553 333; 066 3 5555

  • Delta Taxi

Phone number: 021 44 55 77; 060 644 55 77; 066 44 55 77; 069 44 55 777