Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from NOVI SAD to OHRID.

The road is about 696 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 10 hours.
Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier. As the bus crosses the border be sure to bring your identification documents.

Timetable from NOVI SAD to OHRID can be found for days:

  • Monday 
  • Tuesday 
  • Wednesday 
  • Thursday 
  • Friday 
  • Saturday 
  • Sunday

Transprodukt.is the bus companie that operate from NOVI SAD to OHRID.

Novi Sad

Novi Sad is the second largest city of Serbia, the capital of the autonomous province of Vojvodina and the administrative center of the South Bačka District. It is located in the southern part of the Pannonian Plain, on the border of the Bačka and Srem geographical regions, on the banks of the Danube river, facing the northern slopes of Fruška Gora mountain.

Novi Sad was founded in 1694, when Serb merchants formed a colony across the Danube from the Petrovaradin fortress, a Habsburg strategic military post. In the 18th and 19th centuries, it became an important trading and manufacturing centre, as well as a centre of Serbian culture of that period.

Today, along with the capital city of Belgrade, Novi Sad is the industrial and financial center of the Serbian economy; also, it was named one of the 2021 European Capital of Culture cities. Since 2000, Novi Sad is home to the EXIT festival, one of the biggest music summer festival in Europe.


Bus station Novi Sad
Address: Bulevar Jaše Tomića 6
Phone number (informations): +381 (0)21 444 022
Phone number (reservations): +381 (0)21 444-896
e-mail: gspns@gspns.rs
web: www.gspns.rs

Public transport

  • Linija 7 - Novo naselje - Liman - železnička stanica - Novo Naselje
  • Linija 10 - Centar - Industrijska zona "Jug" ("Albus")
  • Linija 11A - Železnička stanica - bolnica - Liman - Železnička stanica
  • Linija 14 - Centar - Sajlovo

Taxi services

  • Taxi Vojvođani 

Phone number: 060 33 00 206; 021 522 333; 063 322 333

  • Taxi Maxi Novosađani 

Phone number: 021 400 555; 021 451 111; 063 536 536; 064 16 16 000

  • Pan Taxi 

Phone number: 021 4 55 555; 064 21 55 555; 065 21 55 55

  • Vip Taxi

Phone number: 021 444 000; 066 444 000

  • Grand Taxi 

Phone number: 021 443 100; 021 633 22 22; 063 330 330; 063 445 444

  • Red Taxi 

Phone number: 021 52 51 50; 064 52 51 500; 069 52 51 500

  • Crveni Taxi

Phone number: 021 553 333; 066 3 5555

  • Delta Taxi

Phone number: 021 44 55 77; 060 644 55 77; 066 44 55 77; 069 44 55 777


Ohrid is considered one of the oldest cities in the Balkans that unites the style of the Neolithic, antique and medieval period. The numerous early Christian and medieval churches, with magnificent mosaics and icons and beautiful beaches, are just some of the many features that confirm that Ohrid is a wonderful place.

The main attractions of Ohrid are: the Fortress of the Emperor Samuil, the antique theater, the Episcopal Basilica, the Church of St. Clement - Saint Panteleimon in Plaoshnik, the Monastery of St. Naum, the cave church, Icon Gallery, the picturesque villages of Velestovo, Vevcani and Trpejac, Trebenište etc.

Samoil's Fortress in Ohrid - is one of the most popular visitors to Ohrid, built in the X century during the reign of Emperor Samuil. Throughout history, Ohrid has been such a significant religious center that it has built 365 churches - one church for every day of the year.

Monastery of Saint Panteleimon - Protector of Health, is one of the oldest Slovene monasteries in the Balkan and the oldest Slovene cultural monument in Ohrid.

The monastery complex of St. Naum was built on a romantic island of Ohrid lake, rich in greenery, a magnificent view of the Ohrid Lake. The area around the monastery of St. Naum is regarded as among the most beautiful on the shores of Ohrid Lake.

Lake Ohrid is one of the largest European lakes in the southwestern part of Macedonia and the eastern part of Albania. The lake is at an altitude of 695 meters. It is distinguished by its unique ecosystem, rich endemic and rare plant and animal species. The peculiarity of the lake is due to geographical isolation and great geological age. Also, the Ohrid Lake basin is characterized by rich biodiversity and has several plant species endemic to the Balkan peninsula.

Some species that live in it are the ancient plant and animal shine of Eurasia, which today, except in Lake Ohrid, can be found only in Tibers Lake, in the Middle East, and in Lake Baikal in Siberia. The fish shine of the lake, with 17 different species, is truly incredible. The best-known are dried species of endemic oyster trout, yearlings and whites, an eel that can reach up to 1.5 meters in length and small fish of plates. These fish species are a real challenge for fishermen and treats for gastronomy, especially for those who like trout prepared in the famous Ohrid way.

Bus station Ohrid is located in "7th of November, Ohrid 6000"


+389 (046) 260 339