The bus from SUBOTICA to INĐIJA does not pass through other cities or greater places. The first bus leaves at 13:00, while the last departure at 16:00. The road is about 139 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 02 hours i 39 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From SUBOTICA to INĐIJA can be found for days:
Indjija is a town and a municipality located in the Srem District of the autonomous province of Vojvodina, Serbia. According to the legend, the name of the town comes from Turkish word "ikindia" – meaning evening prayer and is related to the time after 1699 when the town fell under Turkish rule. On the other hand, there is the claim that the town was named after the name of Orthodox women – Indjija.
Numerous cultural historical monuments, modern and prehistoric, are testify to the turbulent history of this region. Remains of Roman and medieval fortress and a monument to the Battle of Slankamen talk about the strategic importance of this area of the Danube, which was the border of various empires through history.
Urban core Indjija dates from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, from the period of industrial development and the period of German nationality residents settling when building of Municipal Administration, house of Vojnovics, the Roman Catholic Church of St. Peter, the building of the presbytery and townhouses with frontage eclectically designed with elements Baroque, Classical, Renaissance and Art Nouveau were built.
With its new pedestrian zone with a monumental square, modern building of the Cultural Center[5] floral arrangements and street furniture, Indjija builds an image of the European city tailored for a modern man.