The bus from NOVI PAZAR to KOTOR does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 285 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 06 hours and 45 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From NOVI PAZAR to KOTOR can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from NOVI PAZAR to KOTOR are:Lasta Montenegro.

Novi Pazar

Novi Pazar is a city in Serbia, in the region of Raška, or Sandžak. It is located 297 km south of Belgrade, on a section of the old road that leads to Podgorica and the Adriatic Sea via the Ibar highway. It is located in the star-shaped valley of the Jošanica, Raška, Deževska and Ljudska rivers, at an altitude of 496 m. It is surrounded by the high mountains of Golija and Rogozna and the Pešter plateau.
The founder of Novi Pazar was Isa-beg Ishaković, who built the city in the middle of the 15th century in the immediate vicinity of the medieval settlement of Trgovište, known as Ras. Novi Pazar has a turbulent and rich history. The special value of this multiethnic and multicultural space, where Western and Eastern civilizations meet, is made up of numerous cultural and historical monuments, including Peter's Church, Đurdevi Stupovi, Sopoćani Monastery, the City Fortress with the Observation Tower, Altun-alem Mosque, Amir-agin Han...
The social economy is mostly inactive, unlike the private sector, which is very developed. The greatest resource of Novi Pazar is creative people, who in recent decades, without anyone's help, have founded a large number of private small and medium-sized enterprises, numbering over 6,000. Over 500 private enterprises are engaged in the production of clothing, footwear and furniture, while the rest are mainly engaged in service activities and trade. Freight transport and passenger traffic also play a significant role, with over 2,650 companies for the transport of goods and passengers.
In addition to natural and human resources, as well as numerous cultural monuments, Novi Pazar has great potential for sustainable development - the production of healthy food and the development of all forms of tourism.
"Art caffe", "Dunja caffe", "Amigos", "Dolce vita"
"Maestro Novi Pazar", "Ethno restoran Gaziya", "Avlija etno restoran", "Nota gastro bar", "Doha", "Kod Šukra", "Plava Laguna", "Agušević"
"Children's Sunday", "Cultural Summer - Diaspora Days", "Eco Festival", "Ramadan Street Race"
Popular hotels and motels
Hotel "RAS Pazarište", "Elements", "Atlas", "Golden Hill Palace", "Vrbak ND", "IDEAL Deluxe"
Novi Pazar Large Market, "Alco Star Jeans Company", "Bruno Boss", MOND Shopping Center,
Important telephone numbers
Novi Pazar Bus Station +381 (0)20 25 963
Fire Department +381 (0)20 311 387
Mail +381 (0)20 314 244
Police +381 (0)20 314 744
Health center +381 (0)20 314 722


Kotor Bus Station operates within AD "Autoboka" Kotor.

Company AD "Autoobka" Kotor was established on November 27 1947 entitled "ZET BEFORE", and performed the transport of passengers and transport of goods.

"Autoboka" is the owner of the bus station in Kotor, which was built in 1981 and offers services in domestic and international traffic.

Bus station Kotor has a high B category with 10 platforms, parking for taxi vehicles, as well as parking space for guests station.

Within the bus station is air-conditioned waiting room, where there is a cash machine, cloakroom, ticket office, travel agency, cafe, kiosk selling newspapers and other facilities.

Contact information:

Address: Skaljari Kotor, 85330
Phone: +382 (0) 32 325 809

Box Offices Opening hours from 06:00 to 20:00.

Things to do in Kotor:

If you want to explore Montenegro from Kotor you have a vast option when it comes to tours, all provided by 360 Monte - no.1 Montenegro & Kotor tour operator! You can choose from various full day tripsMontenegro hiking toursshort excursionsBoka Bay cruise, etc, or experience Montenegro through carefully crafted Private Tours
For more info on Montenegro and what to do once there, check out some of the best things to do in Montenegro!