The bus from VRNJAČKA BANJA to UŽICE does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 121 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 02 hours i 44 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From VRNJAČKA BANJA to UŽICE can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from VRNJAČKA BANJA to UŽICE are:Centrotrans Sarajevo.

Vrnjačka Banja

Vrnjačka Banja is a town in Serbia and the seat of the municipality of the same name in the Raška District with a population of just over 9,200. It is located in central Serbia, between Mount Goč (1,216 m) and the West Morava River. It is the largest spa in Serbia, as well as one of the most visited tourist destinations in the country. It is connected via Kraljevo and Kruševac to all other areas in Serbia by highway and railway.
The climate of Vrnjačka Banja is moderately continental with the influence of the mountain climate. Summers are with cool mornings and evenings due to the wind blowing from Goč towards the West Morava River, and winters are snowy and without sharp frosts. There are seven mineral springs in Vrnjačka Banja.
Vrnjačka Banja has a very long tradition of health resorts. Between the 2nd and 4th centuries, the Romans built the AQUAE ORCINAE recovery spa on the Vrnjačka hot mineral spring. The development of modern Vrnjačka Banja began in 1868 with the work of the Founding Society, the oldest tourist organization in the Balkans.
The main economic branch of this place is tourism. As one of the leading tourist destinations in Serbia, Vrnjačka Banja is at the forefront of introducing innovations in the presentation of tourist potential, and is one of the rare tourist destinations in Serbia where there is a tourist card called the Serbian Tourist & Shopping Card, through which it is possible to obtain a whole range of discounts when purchasing goods or services.
The central place in the life of Vrnjačka Banja belongs to the beautiful spa promenade that stretches along the Vrnjačka River on one side, while on the other side there are cafes, restaurants, shops and much more that can attract the attention of walkers.
Nightclub "Podroom"
"Kod Koče", Kruna, Dukat, 3eM, Savka, Gočko, Vuk, Kraljica, Kuća, San, Snežnik, "Kod Kumova", Horizont
Boss, Kralj, In, Paris, Lido, Art, La Vida, Teatar cafe, Trokadero
International Vrnjačka Carnival, "Lovefest", "Kiss Me" event, "Na Desanka Dan", "Flower and Old Crafts Fair", "Zlatne niti"
Popular hotels and motels
Hotel Tonanti, Fontana Vrnjačka Banja, Pegaz Holiday Resort, Mini Hotel Vienna, Villa Emilia, Apartments Passage
Vrnjačka Banja Shopping Center, "Zepterme", Brđović Shopping Center, New Shanghai Department Store
Important Phone Numbers
Bus Station 036 612 446
Post Office 036 611 887
Emergency help 036 611 124
Pharmacy 036 616 010
Fire department 036 611 123
Police 036 611 122


In the basin of the Đetinja River, bordered by the peaks of Tara, Maljen and Zlatibor, below the remains of a medieval fortress, lies the city of Užice, the center of the Zlatibor District, where more than 70 thousand people live today. Užice is a regional center of culture, tourism, metal and mechanical industry and fruit growing. This hilly and mountainous region is dominated by forests, and the highest peak, Tornik, is located on Mount Zlatibor. The highway from Belgrade to the coast passes through Zlatibor, and direct bus lines have been established with Belgrade, Novi Sad and other cities. The Belgrade - Bar railway line also passes through the city, and bus lines are also well connected with surrounding cities.
Užice is an area that uniquely combines modern and traditional, original cultural flows and traditional life from the past.
The first reliable mention of the city was found in a document from the Dubrovnik Archives dated October 9, 1329.
In the 16th century, Užice was the center of a district and a kadiluk, and during the 17th century it became an important craft and cultural center.
In the very center of Užice, on St. Sava Square, the famous Jokanović House rests on wooden pillars. Built a long time ago, but renovated in the last decade and transformed into a museum exhibit, which with its appearance, furniture and beauty depicts bourgeois life in Užice at the end of the 19th century.
Užice offers a number of the best restaurants that serve very tasty and affordable food, mainly from traditional cuisine. Most of these restaurants are located in a pleasant environment, on the banks of the Đetinja River and next to Užice's conifers and mountainous areas.
Special attention is paid to rural tourism, which, combined with the wealth of flora, water and clean air, makes this area wonderfully unified. Tourism has been flourishing for decades, and the Tara National Park, Zlatibor Nature Park and Mokra Gora have contributed greatly to this.
Discotheques "Klub Skala", "Flash club"
"Naša prica", "Vagon restaurant", "Siesta Užice", "Moja reka", "Gold fish"
"Akustik", "Bistro 1901", "Kod Šula", "Vodopadi", "C'est La Vie"
Most important events
Kustendorf Film Festival, Autumn in Zlakusa, Užice Summer, Mokra Gora Homeland Days, Jumps from the Old Railway Bridge, Yugoslav Theater Festival
Popular hotels and motels
"Užice konak", "Zlatiboeski put", "Nika", "Radan", "Tabana B&B"
Retail park "Nest", Shopping center "Krčagovo", "Paris shopping mall", LC Waikiki
Important telephone numbers
Bus station +381 31602630
Dom Zdravlja +381 31524783
Police 92, 031 513 688
Ambulance 94, 031 514 200
Post 031 511 144
Fire Department 93, 031 521 331