The bus from SPLIT to ZADAR pass through the cities of ŠIBENIK, TROGIR, VODICE (depending on the route).The first bus leaves at 08:30, while the last departure at 20:15. The road is about 126 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 02 hours i 54 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From SPLIT to ZADAR can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from SPLIT to ZADAR are:AUTO PODUZEĆE Z. Imotski, Croatia Bus Zagreb za promet i turizam d.o.o, PANTURIST D.D. Osijek, ČRNJA TOURS d.o.o. Rovinj, Lasta Beograd.


Bus station Split is located in the city centre and near the harbor and railway station, so the transfer of the passengers is very efficient. All parts of the city are connected by a dense network of bus lines and also with more than 30 lines of suburban and the wide urban traffic.

Next to the bus terminal there are numerous bars, several fast food restaurants and a large number of kiosks.

Less than a kilometer away from the station there are restaurants "Bistro Black Cat", "Olive", "Dalmatino", and hotels "Radddisson Blue Resort" and "Luxe".

Address of the bus station:

Coast of the Duke Domagoj, No. 12, 21000 Split, Croatia


Phone: +385 (0) 21329-180

Fax: +385 (0) 21329-182

Info phone (domestic transport): +385 (0) 60327-777

Info phone (international transport): +385 (0) 21329-199

E-mail (information):


Railway station and the ferry port are located in the city center, while the airport is located in Kaštela, which is 20 km away from Split. Airport bus goes several times a day from the city center to the airport and vice versa. Price per person is 30kn (4 euros approximately).

Read the short introduction text about Split - Croatia.

Useful numbers:

Doctor: (021) 481 060

Dentist: (021) 489 428

Police: (021) 307 111

Post office: (021) 342 400

Taxi: (021) 347 777

Jadrolinija: (021) 338 333

Tourist Office: (021) 348 600



Zadar is situated on the Adriatic Sea, at the northwestern part of Ravni Kotari region. Zadar serves as the seat of Zadar County and the wider northern Dalmatian region.

Zadar County, as an administrative territorial unit consists of 15 settlements: Babindub, Brgulje, Crno, Ist, Kožino, Mali Iž, Molat, Olib, Petrčane, Premuda, Rava, Silba, Veli Iž, Zadar i Zapuntel. Zadar faces the islands of Ugljan and Pašman, from which it is separated by the narrow Zadar Strait. The promontory on which the old city stands used to be separated from the mainland by a deep moat which has since been filled. The harbor, to the north-east of the town, is safe and spacious.

The area of present-day Zadar traces its earliest evidence of human life from the late Stone Age, while numerous settlements have been dated as early as the Neolithic. Before the Illyrians, the area was inhabited by an ancient Mediterranean people of a pre-Indo-European culture. Zadar traces its origin to its 4th-century BC founding as a settlement of the Illyrian tribe of Liburnians known as Iader.

Today, Zadar is a historical center of Dalmatia, Zadar County's principal political, cultural, commercial, industrial, educational, and transportation centre. Zadar is also the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Zadar. Because of its rich heritage, Zadar is today one of the most popular Croatian tourist destinations, named "entertainment center of the Adriatic" by the The Times and "Croatia's new capital of cool" by the Guardian.