The bus from KARLOVAC to ROVINJ pass through the cities of OPATIJA, PULA, RIJEKA (depending on the route). On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 291 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 05 hours and 20 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From KARLOVAC to ROVINJ can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from KARLOVAC to ROVINJ are:Croatia Bus Zagreb za promet i turizam d.o.o.


Karlovac, situated 55km southwest from Zagreb, is the best place in Croatia for those who look for a special rafting and kayaking adventure, provided by the confluence of four rivers: the Kupa, Mreznica, Korana and Dobra rivers. Karlovac canbe easily reached by bus and can turn out to be a nice day trip for those staying in Zagreb.

What makes Karlovac unique is its star-shaped design. It is necessary to point out that, while not many towns can brag about the knowledge of the exact date of its founding, as well as the fact that they were a town from their very establishment, Karlovac is one of them. The construction of Karlovac  began in 1579, or to be precise, 13 July 1579 , and the ideas to make it a "Renaissance town", and for that reason, a special attentionwas given to its beauty and harmony, but also to serve as a defense against Turkish invaders. This old town in the shape of a six-pointed staris comprised of 24 equally divided blocks.

Besides wandering the streets and rafting the rivers, Karlovac has  a lot more to offer. For, instance, Korana river with Foginovo beach is a famous tourist attraction, as well as bathing spot known for its medicinal properties of the pristine waters of the river.

The new and exciting Karlovac freshwater aquariumAquatika, was designedin sucha manner as to allow its visitors to follow a series of ramps that recall a river's flow. Besides the specimens from Karlovac’s rivers, the museum also exibits astounding flora and fauna from all over Croatia, with background effects such as evocative lighting and water sounds.

Main town square -Josip ban Jelačić square: The planning of the city was carefully done and the streets within the walls of the city are arranged at right angles. After the plague epidemic in 1691, a votive column (the Plague Pillar), with a statue of the Madonna on top of it, was built on the main town square. A well, ornamented with allegorical representations of the town’s rivers, was built in the geometrical centre of the Star and square in 1869 on the location of a baroque fountain. 

The Vrbanić gardens: The gardens were designed as an open-style botanical garden. Named after the Mayor Josip Vrbanić, the gardens bear a resemblance to English and French parks and contain rare trees and plants. Convenienty located in the southeastern part of the town, between the Korana river and the Karlovac ''Star" (Zvijezda), is a favorite place of tourists who like to unwind after a long stroll around Karlovac.

Dubovac Castle: The Old Town of Dubovac, situated on a hill with a beautiful panoramic view over the city, is regarded as one of the best preserved, as well as most captivating architectural monuments of the feudal age. On the site of the present-dayfort, there are still traces of an Early Stone Age settlement, while the castle was built at the end of the 12th or beginning of the 13th century. During the tours around the castle, spectators can enjoy the exibition of history that made Karlovac what it is today. In the vicinity of the castle is one of the oldest and most beautiful town shrines, the Early Baroque church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Snows.

The Church of The Holy Trinity, built in the same timeas the fortress, is the oldest building in Karlovac, while  monastery was built in the 17th century. They are situated on the main square (Ban Jelačić Square). The whole complex is baroque and has a rich inventory. 

Beside its rich history, Karlovac and its surroundings offer interesting hiking tours in its nearby forests, especially the Kozjača trail, while during summer months visitors can enjoy a variety of events, such as the Beer fest and numerous fairs.


Rovinj is a coastal Istria’s city and its famous attraction. Primarily a fishing port, or to be precise, the last true Mediterranean fishing port, Today Rovinj is overrun by tourists thanks to the abilities of its citizens to benefit from their natural resources. Rovinj manages to keep up with the modern times in a very interesting way, by combining its rich tradition with the new trends.

The Old Town, contained within an egg-shaped peninsula  and surrounded by luscious forests, is criss-crossed with steep cobbled streets and piazzas. The 14 islands of the Rovinj archipelago are a pleasant destionation for an afternoon away,; the most popular are Saint Catherine and Crveni Otok (Red Island). About 1.5km south is the Punta Corrente Forest Park and the wooded Golden Cape, with its age-old oak and pine trees and several large hotels.

Church of St Euphemia : Theproud ot the town, this imposing church dominates the old town from its hilltop location in the middle of the peninsula. Built in 1736, it’s the largest baroque building in Istria, reflecting the period during the 18th century when Rovinj was its most populated town. Inside,the church visitors can marvel at the marble tomb of St Euphemia behind the right-hand altar. Modelled on the belfry of St Mark’s in Venice, the 60m bell tower is topped by a copper statue of St Euphemia, which shows the direction of the wind by turning on a spindle.


Batana House is a museum dedicated to the batana, a flat-bottomed fishing boat that stands as a symbol of Rovinj’s seafaring and fishing traditions. The multimedia exhibitions inside the 17th-century town house have interactive displays, excellent captions and audio with bitinada, which are typical fishers’ songs. 

The elaborate Balbi Arch was built in 1679 on the location of the former town gate. The top of the arch is ornamented with a Turkish head on the outside and a Venetian head on the inside.

Grisia: Lined with galleries where local artists sell their work, this cobbled street leads uphill from behind the Balbi Arch to St Euphemia. The winding narrow backstreets that spread around Grisia are like a maze where tourists like to lose themselves among windows, balconies, portals and squares which embody a buffling, but pleasant to the eye mixture of styles – Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Neoclassicism. A special attention should be paid to the unique fumaioli (exterior chimneys), built during the population boom when entire families lived in a single room with a fireplace.

Known as one of the most picturesque and romantic towns on Mediterranean, over the last few decades Rovinj attracts a large number of tourists. Most of them faithfully return year after year due to the unique combination of the breath of past times felt as you walk around old town's cobbled narrow streets, with its  22 islands and islets, the mild Mediterranean climate, carefully designed parks, the tidiness of its streets, the friendliness of the local population or numerous and varied town events.