The bus from MANNHEIM to PRIŠTINA does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 1480 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 01 day 03 hours i 00 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From MANNHEIM to PRIŠTINA can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from MANNHEIM to PRIŠTINA are:Barileva turist Priština.


Mannheim is the second largest city in Baden-Württemberg. This university town and former residence town houses about 315,000 inhabitants. The City of Mannheim in the region of Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan has its inimitable chess board-like structure, which aims a systematic and easier track location for everyone. Likewise, Mannheim is commonly associated with New York City’s borough and Manhattan with its square collation.

Discover the City’s Artistic Collection for free: If you visit the city on the first Wednesday of the month, you can go at the Kunsthalle (Art Gallery) for free and explore the various modern and contemporary art collections. Every Wednesday, the art gallery welcomes guests for free as well as from 6-8 in the evening. This 144-year old building gathers a long range of artworks from paper, woods and even virtual, which were constructed primarily for the City’s 300th founding anniversary. The planned demolition of the structure after the International Art Exhibition was cancelled and shifted into a town’s art gallery that has been exhibiting until today.

Grab a ‘naturally-made’ ice cream: After making your eyes full with industrial works, it is time to fill in something to your stomach.  Zeitgeist is just perfect for it. The shop has been operating since May this year, offering a daily surprise of ice cream flavor. Targeting vegan ice cream, Zeigeist is naturally producing this sweet dish to help people let go that guilt of having desserts.

Have a picnic at the Rhine Shore: Just around 350 meters away from Zeitgeist, the Metzgerei can be found. Though it specializes in breakfast meals, the Metzgerei serves different picnic baskets (packages) on the go, with blanket rentals, which fit for everyone going to the Rhine Shore for a relaxing meal.

Feel the unique Academic-Majestic mood  in Europe’s second biggest Baroque Palace: Following the Château de Versailles in France, Mannheim’s six-hectare Baroque Palace has been residing in the City for nearly 300 years since its transfer from Heidelberg. Consisting of five wings, the royal’s place has three-storey facades, rupturing four-storey pavilions. As one of the many heavily damaged structures during the Second World War, Mannheim’s Baroque Palace has been reconstructed, recovering its major parts such as the great staircase and the Rittersaal (Knight’s Hall). Currently, Barockschloss Mannheim accepts visitors to see every highlight of the historical palace and embrace the royal life. About 80% of the palace operates as a University, recording impressive academic assets. Standing as the University of Mannheim, it is classified as the most beautiful campus in Germany with over 12,000 students.

Appreciate the Beauty of Varied Music: The Old Fire station in Mannheim. This former fire station is now pleasing the audiences with live world class music performances, with a very inviting café-bar and beer garden. Imagine sipping your favorite coffee or gulping a liter of beer while feeding your soul with a good music.

Another option is usually an elite form of music, the classical music. It might not be everybody’s cup of tea, but visit Rosengarten and it might change or add to your music preference. The Rosengarten is the Concert and Congress Hall that offers other sundry cultural events every month, accommodating over 2,000 guests. Considered as the Music City by UNESCO, you should not miss to experience at least one genre of music in Mannheim.

Do not forget the city’s ‘not-so-ordinary’ landmark: the Wasserturm or the Water tower. Every place has its identity and that makes people easily recall what and how it looks like. In Mannheim, the renowned Wasserturm takes that role, standing 60 meters above the highest point of the Friedrichsplatz. Aside from serving as a meeting point for most of the people, the Water tower used to be a reservoir for drinking water. This Romanesque tower amazes everyone after sunset at it starts to spark with the moving fountains at its foot. An inspiring conclusion for a day, isn’t it? The last but not the least, this Baroque sandstone structure can still astonish you with its meticulously designed open staircase, inviting each of us to glance numerous sculptures, including the Amphritite (Goddess of the Sea).

The ‘City of Everything’. From museums, nature, food, and shopping spots up to endless of stuff, Mannheim can give it; just name it. The city where creations of the old times are still kept and where modernization never stops.


Bus station in Mannheim is located at Heinrich -von - Stephan- Straße 6 , 68161 Mannheim . Mannheim is a university city with about 320,000 inhabitants. After Stuttgart , which is the second largest city in the German state of Baden - Wurttemberg . Mannheim is the city of the "square " , which in the 17th century in the area between the castle and the river Neckar planned and built in a grid network of streets . Mannheim offers a huge number of attractions, culture, art and cuisine, events and entertainment, and life styles - in short : the spirit and enjoyment of on the "square". Sensation is also a museum scene Mannheim , which mark the three major museums : the Museum Reiss - Engelhorn , technical Technoseum Museum and Art halls . Bus station in Mannheim comprising sales counters, shop , ATMs , dressing room and bathroom. In front of the bus station will wait for a taxi service .


Address: Heinrich -von - Stephan- Straße 6 , 68161 Mannheim

Phone: +49 (0 ) 621 462 59 22


Pristina, also spelled Prishtina or Priština is the capital and largest city of Kosovo. It is the administrative center of the homonymous municipality and district.

The city has a majority Albanian population, alongside other smaller communities. With a population of about 500,000, Pristina is the second-largest Albanian-speaking city in the world.  Geographically, it is located in the north-eastern part of Kosovo close to the Goljak mountains. The city is situated some 250 kilometres north-east of Tirana, 90 kilometres north of Skopje, 520 kilometres south of Belgrade and 300 kilometres east of Podgorica.

During the Paleolithic Age, what is now the area of Pristina was envolved by the Vinča culture. Pristina was home to several Illyrian and Roman people at the classical times. The king of the Dardanian Kingdom, Bardyllis brought various tribes together in the area of Pristina in the 4th century BC, establishing the Dardanian Kingdom. The heritage of the classical era is still evident in the city, represented by ancient city of Ulpiana, that was considered one of the most important Roman cities in the Balkan peninsula. In the middle ages, Pristina was an important town in Medieval Serbia and also the royal estate of Stefan Milutin, Stefan Uros III, Stefan Dusan, Stefan Uros V and Vuk Brankovic.

When the Ottomans conquered the Balkan peninsula, Pristina was classified as an important mining and trading center on the market, due to its strategic position near the rich mining town of Novo Brdo. The city was known for its trade fairs and items, such as goatskin and goat hair, as well as gunpowder produced by artisans from Pristina in 1485. The first mosque in Pristina was built in the late 14th century, while under the Serbian rule. Pristina has always been considered as a city where tolerance and coexistence in terms of religion and culture has been part of the society in the last centuries.

Being the capital city, Pristina is considered as the heart of Kosovo because of its central location and its importance in finance, commerce, media, entertainment, arts, international trade, education, service, research and healthcare. Almost all domestic and foreign companies, media and scientific institutions have their headquarters in the city.

The name of the city is derived from a Slavic form *Prišьčь, a possessive adjective from the personal name *Prišьkъ, (preserved in the Kajkavian surname Prišek, in the Old Polish personal name Parzyszek, and in the Polish surname Pryszczyk) and the derivational suffix -ina 'belonging to X and his kin'.[citation needed] The name is most likely a patronymic of the personal name *Prišь, preserved as a surname in Sorbian Priš, and Polish Przybysz, a hypocoristic of the Slavic personal name Pribyslavъ.

A false etymology[citation needed] connects the name Priština with the Serbian word prišt (пришт), meaning 'ulcer' or 'tumour', referring to its 'boiling'. However, this explanation cannot be correct, as Slavic place names ending in -ina corresponding either or both to an adjective or the name of an inhabitant lacking this suffix are built from personal names or denote a person and never derive, in these conditions, from common nouns (SNOJ 2007: loc. cit.). The inhabitants of this city call themselves Prishtinali in local Gheg Albanian or Prištevci (Приштевци) in the local Serbian dialect.


Pristina is the primary tourist destination in Kosovo as well as the main air gateway to the country.[58] It is known as a university center of students from neighbouring countries as Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. In 2012, Tourism in Pristina attracted 36,186 foreign visitors.[59] which represents 74.2%[60] Most foreign tourists come from Albania, Turkey, Germany, United States, Slovenia, Montenegro, Macedonia, with the number of visitors from elsewhere growing every year.[61]

The city has a large number of luxury hotels, modern restaurants, bars, pubs and very large nightclubs. Coffee bars are a representative icon of Pristina and they can be found almost everywhere. The largest hotels of the city are the Swiss Diamond and the Grand Hotel Prishtina situated in the heart of the city. Other major hotels present in Pristina include the Emerald Hotel, Sirius Hotel and Hotel Garden.

Some of the most visited sights near the city include the Batlava Lake and Marble Cave, which are also among the most visited places in country.[62] Pristina has played a very important role during the World War II, being a shelter for Jews, whose cemeteries now can be visited.

As the capital city of the Republic of Kosovo, it is the center of cultural and artistic development of all Albanians that lives in Kosovo. The Department of cultural affairs is just one of the segments that arranges the cultural events, which make Pristina one of the cities with the most emphasized cultural and artistic traditions. Pristina is home to the largest cultural institutions of the country, such as the National Theatre of Kosovo, National Archaeology, Ethnography and Natural science Museum, National Art Gallery and the Ethnological Museum. Among the local institutions are the National Library of Kosovo which has more than 1.8 million books, periodicals, maps, atlases, microfilms and other library materials.

There are many foreign cultural institutions in Pristina, including the Albanian Albanological Institute, the German Goethe-Institut and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.[ Other cultural centers in Pristina are, the French Alliance Française and the British Council. The Information Office of the Council of Europe was also established in Pristina.