Busticket4.me helps you to easily search, compare and buy a ticket for the corresponding bus from MINHEN to SKOPJE.

The length of the route from MINHEN to SKOPJE is about 1334 km. The average journey duration is 20 hours and 35 minutes.

Luggage is usually paid per bag at all departures depending on the carrier, which offers fast and efficient transportation at a great price.

The buses are mostly high tourist class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and the like.

As the bus crosses the border crossing, longer stays are possible during the tourist season. Be sure to bring your identification documents.

Timetable from MINHEN to SKOPJE exists for the following days:


Bus companies operating from MINHEN to SKOPJE: Galeb Ad


Munich is the state capital of the Free State of Bavaria. With about 1.5 million inhabitants, it is the most populous city in Bavaria and (after Berlin and Hamburg) the third largest municipality in Germany. The gastronomy in Munich offers numerous specialties of the Bavarian cuisine. The white sausage was invented in 1857 in Munich and is probably the most famous culinary specialty of the city. Furthermore, the Brezn, the Auszogne (a round dumpling), the Prinzregententorte and the Münchner beer are also a must-try.

While in Munich, you should visit the following attractions:

The Marienplatz - The heart of Munich is the famous Marienplatz, which is located in the middle of the Old Town. Since 1158 it has served as an urban center and a traffic hub for the Bavarian capital. The square has additional sights to offer, such as the New and Old Town Hall. The Mary’s Column (Mariensäule) and the Fish Fountain (Fischbrunnen) are popular meeting places. The Bell tower of the New Town Hall attracts over 5 million tourists every year. In winter, the Marienplatz is the site of the well-known Christkindlmarkt, one of the largest Christmas markets in Germany, with 140 stalls.

If you’re looking for sports and relaxation. then the English garden in Munich is the right place for you. On the green area of around 375 hectares there are lawns, jogging tracks, cycling paths, beer gardens and streams. For Munichers, the garden is a green oasis in the middle of the city, where tourists can discover the large park area including the Chinese Tower, a Japanese tea house and the Monopteros built in 1831.

There is a number of churches dedicated to women in Germany. The Frauenkirche with its distinctive towers is one of the most famous landmarks of the city and is also called by its inhabitants also Cathedral to Our Dear Lady in Munich. The church owes its name to her patron, the Mother of God Maria.

When visiting the Autocity in Munich, a trip to the BMW Welt can not be missed. The combination of exhibitions, museum and event venue was opened to the public in October 2007 and welcomes fans of the brand from all over the world to an unforgetable tour. The exhibition was conceived not only for buyers, who can buy their own BMW here, but also for all interested parties which want to enjoy in this futuristic ambient. With the extraordinary design and the integration of ecological innovations, this car heaven is attractive for all people regardless of their age and interests.

The Olympiapark was the venue of the Olympic Games in 1972. Even today, the 850,000 m² site is the venue for sporting events such as the European and World Championships. In addition to the stadium of the same name, the Olympiapark also includes the Olympic Stadium, the Park and the Olympic Press Center. The former Olympiadorf is now a popular residential area for students and young Munichers. From the Olympia Tower  you can gaze upon the whole area and the city.

The Nymphenburg Palace is located in the western part of Munich, in the Neuhausen-Nymphenburg district. In order to celebrate the birth of the successor to the throne, the Bavarian Elector Ferdinand Maria gave the castle to his wife Henriette Adelaide, which was completed in 1679. Up to 300,000 guests from all over the world visit the main castle and the associated castle grounds annually. Since 2004 the Nymphenburger Castle Concert is held here, which has established itself as a permanent part of Munich's music and culture scene.

The Oktoberfest is a festival of superlatives - as the largest folk festival in the world it can only take place in the beer metropolis Munich. Millions of guests from all over the world enjoy the unique atmosphere every year. For this occasion, Hofbräu Munich brews a beer of particularly good taste and smell, which goes very well with the traditional Bavarian cuisine. With an alcohol content of more than 6% vol. and a refined taste, the Hofbräu Oktoberfest beer is as unique as the Oktoberfest.

Munich has more to offer than just the Oktoberfest. Hardly any other city is as diverse as the Bavarian capital. Green oases and numerous sights can make your stay in Munich a memorable and special experience. After Berlin and Hamburg, Munich is the most popular destination among German city dwellers and foreigners.


Skopje is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Macedonia. It is the country's political, cultural, economic, and academic center. Skopje is located on the upper course of the Vardar River, and is located on a major north-south Balkan route between Belgrade and Athens. It was known in the Roman period under the name Scupi.

The territory of Skopje has been inhabited since at least 4000 BC; remains of Neolithic settlements have been found within the old Kale Fortress that overlooks the modern city centre. On the eve of the 1st century AD, the settlement was seized by the Romans and became a military camp. When the Roman Empire was divided into eastern and western halves in 395 AD, Scupi came under Byzantine rule from Constantinople.

Being the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje is home to the largest cultural institutions of the country, such as the National and University Library "St. Kliment of Ohrid", the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the National Theatre, the National Philarmonic Orchestra and the Macedonian Opera and Ballet. Among the local institutions are the Brothers Miladinov Library which has more than a million documents, the Cultural Information Centre which manages festivals, exhibitions and concerts, and the House of Culture Kočo Racin which is dedicated to contemporary art and young talents.

The Skopje Jazz Festival has been held annually in October since 1981. It is part of the European Jazz Network and the European Forum of World Wide Festivals. The artists' profiles include fusion, acid jazz, Latin jazz, smooth jazz, and avant-garde jazz. Ray Charles, Tito Puente, Gotan Project, Al Di Meola, Youssou N'Dour, among others, have performed at the festival. Another music festival in Skopje is the Blues and Soul Festival. It is a relatively new event in the Macedonian cultural scene that occurs every summer in early July. Past guests include Larry Coryell, Mick Taylor & the All-Stars Blues Band, Candy Dulfer & Funky Stuff, João Bosco, The Temptations, Tolo Marton Trio, Blues Wire, and Phil Guy.