Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from TUZLA to WIESBADEN.

The road is about 1406.00km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 20 hours and 05 min.
Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.

Timetable from TUZLA to WIESBADEN can be found for days:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday 
  • Saturday 
  • Sunday

BIG-SIM Halilović is the bus company that operate from TUZLA to WIESBADEN.


The city of Tuzla is the administrative center and the economic, cultural and educational center of the Tuzla Canton and the economic-geographic region of northeastern Bosnia. Tuzla is predominantly an industrial city, the center of the municipality of the same name and the Tuzla Canton. It is also the economic, cultural, sports and educational center of northeastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the valley of Majevica Mountain.

The city is famous for its chemical and motor industry. It is especially known for the great wealth of salt, after which it got its name (from the Turkish language: "greed" means "so"), and this city lies on a large number of salt mines.

Natural resources and rich deposits of energy and mineral resources have been a determining factor in directing the current economic development of this region, and at the same time are an important backbone of future development.

Tuzla has made its special geological history the oldest or one of the oldest settlements in Europe. Namely, much of Europe, in the ancient geological past, represented the bottom of the Pannonian Sea. And the last remains of this must have receded from the present surface 10 million years ago. Just below Tuzla this sea left a trace of 350 million tons of salty rock and salt water. Salt water was raining to the surface, people were processing it in so still in the neolith. They later formed wells, which became more and more modern, and salt water became the basis of the chemical industry in modern Tuzla.

On July 18, 2003, local authorities decided to draw a large amount of salt water to the surface, to the previously prepared bottom, so Tuzla is now the only city in Europe that has a salt lake and the only city in the world whose salt lake is at the same time a bathing place and beach in the narrowest historical city center. The salt water of the Pannonian Lake is allegedly and healing.

Tuzla has a great industrial tradition, based on rich salt and coal deposits.

Today Tuzla is a city of new energy, in recent years it has experienced a great expansion of construction and rapid development.


Those who visit Wiesbaden will get to know a city famous for their healing thermal springs. Recreation is important in the capital of Hesse. Many come here especially because of the dreamlike environment. Extensive, green landscapes invite to long-lasting bicycle tours, while the heights can be climbed on designated hiking trails. The region is also known for its vineyards, exquisite varieties can be tasted at any time in one of the restaurants or bars. The city center is rich in important sights, which can be visited on foot or by a city tour. Of course, shopping experiences are not left behind, there are many opportunities for shopping.

Wiesbaden is located in the south-west of Hesse, only 15 kilometers from Mainz. The two metropolises are separated only by the Rhine. The inner city of Wiesbaden is extremely attractive because of the proximity of the water. To the north lies the Taunus with its varied nature, caves and historic burial sites. In addition, Wiesbaden is surrounded by magnificent vineyards. The inner city is undoubtedly the most beautiful part of the metropolis, but excursions are also worthwhile to get to know the neighboring cities of Mainz, Darmstadt or Frankfurt am Main.

Many visit Wiesbaden because of the soothing and salty thermal springs that are located in the city center. The water is used in all kinds of diseases, it also promises pure relaxation. The most famous is the Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme, where guests can be pampered according to all the rules of art. During a stroll through the inner city you will get to know the cultural side of Wiesbaden.

Highlight is the beautiful Spa House, which was built in 1807 to make the city more attractive. Over the years, the building has been renovated several times and has been used for congresses or important meetings since then. The Town Hall is just as interesting, the facade with its renaissance style elements can be spotted already from distance. If you are traveling by train, you will arrive at the huge railway station, built with red sandstone, which displays the baroque style of the station.

Every year, summer and city festivals take place in Wiesbaden. The most popular excursion destination is the 245 meter high Neroberg. The hill can be reached on foot or by train. High above, you will find a climbing garden and a leisure pool, where you can enjoy an extravagant view while bathing in the open air. Boat trips or a trip with the historic Nassauian tourist train would also be a real experience worth of your time.