The bus from VELES to OHRID pass through the cities of BITOLA, RESEN (depending on the route). On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 172 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 03 hours i 05 mins. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are middle and high class, but on the shorter distances carriers can travel by turist van or small bus.
Timetable From VELES to OHRID can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from VELES to OHRID are:Lasta Beograd.


Veles is a city in the central part of the Republic of North Macedonia on the Vardar river. The city of Veles is the seat of Veles Municipality.

Veles (Vilazora) was initially the Paeonian city Bylazora from the period of early Classical Antiquity. The city's name was Βελισσός Velissos in Ancient Greek.

Under Turkish rule it became a township (kaza) called Köprülü in the Üsküp sanjak (one of the administrative divisions of the Ottoman Empire). From 1877 to 1912 the sandjak was part of the Kosovo vilayet. It played an important part in Ottoman history, as it was where six Grand Viziers hailed, and is still known as Köprülü in Turkish. From 1929 to 1941, Veles was part of the Vardar Banovina of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. After World War II, the city was known as Titov Veles after Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito, but the 'Titov' was removed in 1996.

Through North Macedonia Veles is known as industrial center and recently, as a leader in the implementing of IT in the local administration in North Macedonia.

Veles is a place of poetry, culture, history and tradition, as well as a city with plentiful and precious cultural heritage and centuries old churches.

Veles is a municipality of 55,000 residents. The geographic location of the city of Veles makes it suitable for hiking and camping, especially at the west side of the city. One such location is the tranquil village Bogomila. Nearby there is the man made lake Mladost, which is known as the city's recreational centre.

Veles made international news in 2016 when it was revealed that a group of teenagers in the city were controlling over 100 websites producing fake news articles in support of U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, which were heavily publicised on the social media site Facebook.


Ohrid is considered one of the oldest cities in the Balkans that unites the style of the Neolithic, antique and medieval period. The numerous early Christian and medieval churches, with magnificent mosaics and icons and beautiful beaches, are just some of the many features that confirm that Ohrid is a wonderful place.

The main attractions of Ohrid are: the Fortress of the Emperor Samuil, the antique theater, the Episcopal Basilica, the Church of St. Clement - Saint Panteleimon in Plaoshnik, the Monastery of St. Naum, the cave church, Icon Gallery, the picturesque villages of Velestovo, Vevcani and Trpejac, Trebenište etc.

Samoil's Fortress in Ohrid - is one of the most popular visitors to Ohrid, built in the X century during the reign of Emperor Samuil. Throughout history, Ohrid has been such a significant religious center that it has built 365 churches - one church for every day of the year.

Monastery of Saint Panteleimon - Protector of Health, is one of the oldest Slovene monasteries in the Balkan and the oldest Slovene cultural monument in Ohrid.

The monastery complex of St. Naum was built on a romantic island of Ohrid lake, rich in greenery, a magnificent view of the Ohrid Lake. The area around the monastery of St. Naum is regarded as among the most beautiful on the shores of Ohrid Lake.

Lake Ohrid is one of the largest European lakes in the southwestern part of Macedonia and the eastern part of Albania. The lake is at an altitude of 695 meters. It is distinguished by its unique ecosystem, rich endemic and rare plant and animal species. The peculiarity of the lake is due to geographical isolation and great geological age. Also, the Ohrid Lake basin is characterized by rich biodiversity and has several plant species endemic to the Balkan peninsula.

Some species that live in it are the ancient plant and animal shine of Eurasia, which today, except in Lake Ohrid, can be found only in Tibers Lake, in the Middle East, and in Lake Baikal in Siberia. The fish shine of the lake, with 17 different species, is truly incredible. The best-known are dried species of endemic oyster trout, yearlings and whites, an eel that can reach up to 1.5 meters in length and small fish of plates. These fish species are a real challenge for fishermen and treats for gastronomy, especially for those who like trout prepared in the famous Ohrid way.

Bus station Ohrid is located in "7th of November, Ohrid 6000"


+389 (046) 260 339