Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from PRILEP to LESKOVAC.

The road is about 308 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 06 hours and 04 min.
As the bus crosses the border be sure to bring your identification documents.

The bus from PRILEP to LESKOVAC runs periodically, every two days.

Bus companies which operate from PRILEP to LESKOVAC is Galeb.


Prilep is the fourth largest city in North Macedonia. It has a population of 66,246 and is known as "the city under Marko's Towers" because of its proximity to the towers of Prince Marko.

The name of the city comes from the Macedonian word "Прилеп" (meaning "sticky") and it showcases how the buildings were first built there, being near one another next to the Marko's Towers.

The main square in Prilep is called "Alexandria", in honor of Alexander the Great. The reconstruction of the square began in 2005 and it was completed in 2006. The reconstruction cost 700.000 Euros and its investor was the city of Prilep. During the reconstruction the monument of Alexander the Great was erected, among the other things.

The most important ancient monument is the old city of Styberra situated on Bedem hill near Čepigovo, in the central region of Pelagonia. As early as the time of the Roman–Macedonian wars, this city was known as a base from which the Macedonian king Perseus of Macedon set out to conquer the Penestian cities. An important site in the area is Bela Crkva, 6 km (4 mi) west of Styberra, where the town of Alkomenai was probably located. It was a stronghold of the Macedonian kings after it was rebuilt in the early Roman period and was at the Pelagonian entrance to a pass leading to Illyria. Part of the city wall, a gate, and a few buildings of the Roman period were uncovered here in excavations. All recent finds from these sites are in the Museum of the City of Prilep.


Leskovac is a city settlement and administrative center of the Jablanica Administrative District.

The settlement dates back to the Roman Empire. The medieval name of the settlement is Glubočica.

The legend says that under the hill near the present city there was a lake, and when its drying was occurred there was a plant of hazel (hazelnut), after which the city was named more than 700 years ago. The present name of the city as the name of the settlement was first mentioned in 1308 in the Charter of King Milutin.

During the NATO bombing of the FRY in 1999, Leskovac and its surroundings were bombarded almost daily. During a raid on April 12, 1999, a railroad bridge in Grdelicka Gorge hit the passenger train, which was crossing the bridge at that time. In this attack, several dozen civilians were killed.

In Leskovac there is the National Library Radoje Domanovic, which was created from the City Reading Room, founded in 1869. The library was designated in 1961 for the home library of the Jablanica District. The library now has over 80,000 books and other publications distributed in different sectors, among which are the loan and children's department, the foreign book, as well as the local department that was established in 2012 as a legacy and is named after Nikolai Timchenko and has over 15,000 titles.

On May 2, 1948, the National Museum was founded in Leskovac, comprised of three departments - ethnographic-archaeological, national liberation struggle with the workers' movement and the Textile Industry Museum. The museum then moved to a new building on May 10, 1974, which opened the possibility for the development of museum activities, and today it has more departments for archeology, history, art history, ethnology, conservation and souvenir making.