The bus from BITOLA to KARLSRUHE does not pass through other cities or greater places. On this route there is only one departure. The road is about 1885 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 01 day06 hours and 30 mins.
As the bus crosses the border during the tourist season unforeseen maintenance are possible. Be sure to bring your identification documents. Bus crew will create a list of the names of passengers before crossing the border. Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier.
Buses are generally high-class with air conditioning, ABS, comfortable passenger seats and similar.
Timetable From BITOLA to KARLSRUHE can be found for days:

Bus companies which operate from BITOLA to KARLSRUHE are:EURO BUS.


Bitola is a city in the southwestern part of North Macedonia. It is located in the southern part of the Pelagonia valley, surrounded by the Baba, Nidže and Kajmakčalan mountain ranges, 14 kilometres north of the Medžitlija-Níki border crossing with Greece. The city stands at an important junction connecting the south of the Adriatic Sea region with the Aegean Sea and Central Europe, and is an administrative, cultural, industrial, commercial, and educational centre. It has been known since the Ottoman period as "The City of The Consuls", since many European countries had consulates in Bitola.

Bitola, known during the Ottoman Empire as Manastir/Monastir, is one of the oldest cities in North Macedonia. It was founded as Heraclea Lyncestis in the middle of the 4th century BC by Philip II of Macedon. The city was the last capital of Ottoman Rumelia, from 1836 to 1867. According to the 2002 census, Bitola is the second-largest city in the country.

Bitola is the economic and industrial center of southwestern North Macedonia. Many of the largest companies in the country are based in the city. The Pelagonia agricultural combine is the largest producer of food in the country. The Streževo water system is the largest in North Macedonia and has the best technological facilities. The three thermoelectric power stations of REK Bitola produce nearly 80% of electricity in the state. The Frinko refrigerate factory was a leading electrical and metal company. Bitola also has significant capacity in the textile and food industries.

Bitola has been part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network since December 2015.


Karlsruhe, also known as the "Gateway to the Black Forest", is situated in one of the most beautiful regions of Europe and is an ideal starting point for journeys through Germany, France and Switzerland.

As a major traffic hub, the city is well connected to the main motorways and rail network. With the ICE, Karlsruhe can be reached in just one hour from the Frankfurt airport and in less than two hours from the EuroAirport Basel.

In Karlsruhe culture enthusiasts will get their money's worth. The city offers a diverse museum landscape with the Landesmuseum in Karlsruhe Castle, the Staatliche Kunsthalle with its impressive collection and the Museum of Natural History with its fascinating vivarium.

With around 316,000 people, Karlsruhe is the second largest city in Baden-Württemberg. Karlsruhe is well-known for its history, as well as cultural and historical buildings.

The striking Karlsruhe Baroque Castle was built between 1715 and 1718. It served margraves, then electors and great-grandparents of Baden for 200 years as a residential and government seat. The Karlsruhe castle is the center of Karlsruhe's city plan, the so-called "fan", formed by 32 radial roads. Particularly well visible is this from the castle tower, on which the visitor can climb. In the Karlsruhe castle itself, various exhibitions and events can be viewed. Around the castle Karlsruhe offers the perfect opportunity to relax in the castle parks, go on a sport or just have a break.

The Pyramid on the Market square is the landmark of Karlsruhe. It stands between the Town Hall and the Town Church. Under the Pyramid is the crypt of the Concordia church, which was demolished in 1807. Karl Wilhelm von Baden-Durlach, the founder and planner of the city, should be buried here. The above-mentioned interior is not connected with the sarcophagus of the margrave.

The Botanical garden is located between the Castle garden, the Orangerie and the Federal Constitutional Court. More than 40,000 different plants from all over the world grow there. In the garden, surrounded by fountains, green trees and flowers in various colors one can relax on a bench with a cup of coffee, while in the greenhouse one can admire: sculptures, cactuses, palm trees, birds and much more for curious visitors.

The Tower Hill (Turmberg) is the landmark of Durlach. Since 1888 the Turmbergbahn has been climbing up the hill. In the back of the hill is a large playground for children as well as the Waldseilpark Karlsruhe. Besides gastronomy and wine-tasting, you can look forward to a unique view of Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe offers one of the best-known places for media and art enthusiasts. The ZKM contains exhibitions on subjects such as acoustics, images, new media and much more. In the industrial building of a former ammunition factory, visitors can actively participate in exhibitions. Research and production, exhibitions and events as well as archives and collections are combined in the ZKM. The visitor is given the opportunity to discuss art and science.

For gourmets, Karlsruhe is worth a culinary discovery trip. The Baden cuisine is widely known and offers many regional specialties. It is distinguished by its high quality and the use of regional products. The proximity to France is evident not only in the local cuisine but also in the excellent wines.