Busticket4.me helps you easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from BANJA KOVILJAČA to SARAJEVO.

The road is about 179 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 04 hours and 35 min.

Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier. As the bus crosses the border be sure to bring your identification documents.

Timetable from BANJA KOVILJAČA to SARAJEVO can be found for every 2 days.

Star Bus and Transprodukt are the bus companies that operate from BANJA KOVILJAČA to SARAJEVO.

Banja Koviljača

Banja Koviljača is a popular tourist town and spa situated in the Loznica municipality. It is the oldest spa in Serbia. Banja Koviljača is located on the west border of Serbia by the Drina river, 137 kilometres (85 mi) from Belgrade.

Banja Koviljača has a number of sulphuric and iron-bearing thermal mineral springs, ranging in temperature from 21 to 38 degrees Celsius. Patients drink and bathe in these waters, which are also used for the preparation of mud packs.

The location of the spa was chosen for its useful natural elements: the Drina river, which could be forded; the wooded mountain Gučevo, which served as shelter from enemies; the plains, which supplied food; and the water, which was (and still is) considered to have medicinal properties.

Gučevo is a wooded mountain which rises above the Banja Koviljača Spa to the south. The mountain extends from northwest to southeast and from Koviljača to the mountain Boranja. It is 15 kilometers long. The peak of the Gučevo Mountain is Crni Vrh, and its altitude is 779 m above sea level. Mount Gučevo is composed mainly of limestone and sand.

In the past, there was a terrain fissure on the mountain, which was significant to the occurrence of thermo-mineral waters. The mountain of Gučevo has many clear water springs which grow into smaller brooks overhung by high beech forests. The river Drina dominates the area and meanders between Mačva and Semberija.


Sarajevo has two bus stations: main bus station and bus station in east part of the cuty, in Lukavica.

The main Sarajevo bus station is located near the city center, near the main railway station. The main bus station is the starting point for most buses to the rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to international for Croatia, Slovenia and Western Europe. For buses which operate to destinations in Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Serbian starting station is Lukovica.

The main bus station in Sarajevo is large and spacious. There are more than 10 platform. Inside the station there are cafes and small restaurants, with shops and kebab stores. Inside and outside the station there are kiosks. The station also has a toilet. Cellular service are charged 1 KM. Near the station is the main train station.

Address: Put Life 2, 71000, Sarajevo
Phone: +387 33 21 31 00

Bus station Lukavica is located in the eastern part of Sarajevo, so if you are in the center, we recommend a cab ride or trolley bus No.103 or 107 that goes to the station Dobrinja. The bus station Lukavica from Dobrinja station is 2 minutes on foot. Keep in mind that driving a trolley bus takes a long time and tend to be large crowds. Therefore, if you are traveling with luggage, consider that you take a taxi, which is relatively cheap in Sarajevo. The station has covered platforms, cafe, restaurant, shop and waiting room. Exit the platform is controlled and is not possible without a ticket. Bus station East Sarajevo is open every day from 05h to 22h.

Address: Srpskih vladara 2, 71123, Istočno Sarajevo

Phone: +387 57 317 377