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kalendar Apr 18, 2017

The city of Leipzig is located in the Free State of Saxony and is one of the medium sized cities in Germany with its approximately 510,000 inhabitants. Situated in the North German lowlands, the city was a center of book printing and book trade. The composer Johann Sebastian Bach has worked here, de...



kalendar Apr 18, 2017

The Rhine City is a popular destination for city-dwellers, especially among young people. During the summer time, Düsseldorf captivates with its beautiful Rhine river promenade and in winter with the Christmas markets. Among the following popular attractions in Dusseldorf you will find other at...



kalendar Apr 11, 2017

Berlin is the capital, as well as the biggest city in Germany with 3,5 millions citizens. Devided in twelve districts, through Berlin flow rivers Spree and Havel and a lot of smaller streams that can be found at the city territory, in addition to lakes and forests. The city is situated in the mild c...



kalendar Apr 11, 2017

Hamburg - the Gate to the world, the City of bridges or Venice on the Elbe. Hamburg belongs to one of the ten most popular tourist destionations in Europe. With its sitizens numbering around 1,79 millions, Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany after Berlin, the eighth biggest city in the Eur...