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Travel destinations Comments: 0 starstarstar May 29, 2023


The municipality of Opovo is one of the smallest in AP Vojvodina, and is located in the South Banat District, on the left bank of the Tamis River. The municipality consists of 4 settlements, and has about 10,000 inhabitants.

According to Austrian data from 1773, Opovo was included in the Banat military border in 1767, and organized as a single settlement for colonists and natives. The German name of the settlement was Königsdorf. Urban planning and Banat architecture have partially survived to the present day.

At that time, the widths of the main and side streets, which intersect at right angles, were prescribed, which has been maintained to this day. The houses were built in a row, along the street.

The layout of the settlement provided for houses to be separated from the street by a row of chestnut, linden or walnut trees.

It is interesting that the Orthodox and Catholic churches were built in the same street, facing each other.

Villa "Miss Helena" stands out for its unique architecture and beauty, which is located near the City Park, in the center of Opovo. It was built after the First World War, by General Milan Manojlović.

Opovo has an extremely favorable position, as it is located at the intersection of big cities and large shopping centers. Belgrade and Pančevo are 30 km away, and Zrenjanin 40 km from the center of the municipality. "Nikola Tesla" airport is only 50 km away.

When the Belgrade-Zrenjanin-Novi Sad highway is completed, you can reach Opovo in less than 40 minutes from whichever direction you go.

The municipality, of course, has a bus station, which only confirms the good connection of Opovo with the world and by bus traffic. You can find the bus schedule for the desired destinations on the BusTicket4.en portal, where you can also easily buy a bus ticket.

Therefore, the relatively calmer and less stressful way of life of the Banat village is, we could say, the dream of a modern man, and on the other hand, the proximity of larger cities allows access to all elements of the urban metropolis. All of this makes a winning combination for the residents of Opovo, but also for the many weekend anglers from Belgrade, who regularly "besiege" Tamis, rich in fish.

The municipality of Opovo is known for its natural oases that are home to some rare species of birds, in addition to other flora and fauna specific to that climate.

In addition, idyllic, beautiful field roads are perfect for hikers and cyclists, and canals for kayaking or boating.

In the vicinity of Opovo, there are rich archaeological sites attributed to the period of the Starčevo and Vinča cultures. Some of the found objects are stored in the museum in Pancevo.

The city park in Opovo is synonymous with cultural facilities. In the center is the "Jovan Popović" gallery, and several interesting sculptures and monuments are nearby. All of them have a certain cultural or historical meaning.

Finally, the sculpture that will surely bring a smile to your face is the monument to Lala of Banat, which presents the benevolent character of the people of Banat.

Popular bus routes that include a return ticket.

Opovo - Belgrade

Opovo – Zrenjanin

Opovo – Pančevo

Opovo – Kikinda

Opovo - Tivat


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