Busticket4.me helps you to easily search, compare and book ticket/s for the bus from RESEN to VRANJE.

The road from bus from RESEN to VRANJE is about 316 km. Average length of travel according to the timetable is 7 hours and 01 min.

Luggage is usually paid per bag on all departures depending on the carrier. 
Since the bus will be crossing the border, there is a possability for traveling delay and make sure to bring your travel and identification documents.

The Buses are mainly of high tourist class quality with air condition, ABS, comfortable passenger seats etc..

Timetable bus from RESEN to VRANJE can be found for day:


Bus companies that operate bus from RESEN to VRANJE are: Galeb Ad / Kanis Leskovac

Buses have the smallest carbon footprint of all motorized transport modes. A bus going bus from RESEN to VRANJE will emit half of the CO2 emitted by a train, and radically less than a car or an airplane.


Resen is a town in southwestern North Macedonia, with just under 9,000 inhabitants. Resen is approximately equidistant between Bitola and Ohrid. The town rises 880 metres (2,887 feet) above sea level and is situated near Lake Prespa. Resen is also the only town in the Prespa Lake area and is the seat of Resen Municipality.

Resen has a mild continental climate with cold winters and warm summers, which makes it a tourist attraction, especially in summer. The climate and the quality of soil are key factors for Prespa's region to have a long tradition of agriculture. One of most important landmarks of Resen's today are the apple orchards, well known for the quality and specific taste of apples.

Resen is home to Prespa's Ceramic Colony, established in the 1970s, which attracts renowned artists from all over the world. The organization is included in the UNESCO International Academy of Ceramics. It is housed in the Saraj, which also houses the Dragi Tozija House of Culture, the Keraca Visulčeva Gallery, and a library.


Vranje is a city and the administrative center of the Pčinja District in southern Serbia. The city has a population of 83,524 inhabitants, while the urban area of the city has 60,485 inhabitants.

Vranje is the first city from the Balkans to be declared UNESCO city of Music. It is on located on the Pan-European Corridor X, close to the borders with North Macedonia and Bulgaria. The Eparchy of Vranje is seated in the city and the 4th Land Force Brigade of the Serbian army is stationed here.

Vranje was an important Ottoman trading site. The White Bridge is a symbol of the city and is called "most ljubavi" (lovers' bridge) after the tale of the forbidden love between the Muslim girl Ajša and Christian Stojan that resulted in the father killing the couple. After that, he built the bridge where he had killed her and had the story inscribed in Ottoman Arabic. The city has traditional Balkan and Ottoman architecture.

The well-known theater play Koštana by Bora Stanković is set in Vranje.

Vranje is famous for its popular, old music, lively and melancholic at the same time. The best known music is from the theater piece with music, Koštana, by Bora Stanković. This original music style has been renewed recently by taking different, specific, and more oriental form, with the contribution of rich brass instruments. It is played particularly by the Vranje Romani people.

Vranje lies close to Besna Kobila mountain and Vranjska Banja, locations with high potential that are underdeveloped. Other locations in and around Vranje with some tourist potential include Prohor Pčinjski monastery, Kale-Krševica, Markovo kale, Pržar, birth-house museum of Bora Stankovic.